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    Instrument Type: LC-ESI-QQ

Results : 9,615 Hit.  ( 7,356 - 7,474 Displayed )
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1 spectrum  
 C22H23NO7  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  413.14746   
5 spectra     
 C8HF15O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  413.97369   
6 spectra     
 C8HF17O3S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  499.93750   
 Nva, L-2-Aminovaleric acid, (S)-2-Aminovaleric aci...
4 spectra     
 C5H11NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  117.14800   
10 spectra     
 C7H11N3O  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  153.09021   
5 spectra     
 C11H14N2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  174.11571   
 O,O-Diethyl thiophosphate
5 spectra     
 C4H11O3PS  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  170.01665   
5 spectra     
 [C9H18NO4]+  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  204.12358   
 o-Anisic Acid, 2-Methoxybenzoic acid, O-Methylsali...
4 spectra     
 C8H8O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  152.14900   
3 spectra     
 C18H32O16  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  504.43799   
 o-Fluorobenzoic acid
5 spectra     
 C7H5FO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  140.02736   
 o-Hydroxybenzoic acid, 2-Carboxyphenol, Verrugon, ...
3 spectra     
 C7H6O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  138.12199   
5 spectra     
 C12H8N2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  180.06876   
 o-Phenanthroline Monohydrate, 1,10-Phenanthroline ...
5 spectra     
 C12H8N2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  180.21001   
5 spectra     
 C2H8NO4P  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  141.01909   
 O-Phosphorylethanolamine, Ethanolamine phospha, Co...
5 spectra     
 C2H8NO4P  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  141.06500   
5 spectra     
 C3H8NO6P  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  185.00893   
 O-Succinylhomoserine, O-Succinyl-L-homoserine, (2S...
4 spectra     
 C8H13NO6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  219.19299   
 o-Toluic acid
4 spectra     
 C8H8O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  136.05243   
 Octanoic acid
2 spectra     
 C8H16O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  144.11504   
10 spectra     
 C9H18N4O4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  246.13281   
5 spectra     
 C8H19N  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  129.15175   
2 spectra     
 C18H20FN3O4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  361.14377   
6 spectra     
 C17H20N4S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  312.14084   
5 spectra     
 C35H61NO12  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  687.41937   
First Prev   52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61   Next Last    ( Total 73 Page )   ▲ Results Top

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