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Search Parameters :
   Splash:  splash10-0002-0900000000-f236794b68cee8f6798c
   Instrument Type:
   MS Type:
   Ion Mode: Both

Results : 120,184 Hit.  ( 1 - 39 Displayed )
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3 spectra     
 C35H48O10  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  628.32471   
2 spectra     
 C21H26SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  338.15244   
1 spectrum  
 C40H60SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  600.41852   
2 spectra     
 C22H30S2Si  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  386.15582   
1 spectrum  
 C25H32SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  392.19940   
1 spectrum  
 C21H30SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  342.18375   
1 spectrum  
 C23H34SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  370.21506   
1 spectrum  
 C22H23BrSSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  426.04730   
1 spectrum  
 C21H24SSi2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  364.11374   
1 spectrum  
 C19H17BrSSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  384.00037   
1 spectrum  
 C23H26OSSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  378.14737   
1 spectrum  
 C20H26SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  326.15244   
2 spectra     
 C8H14O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  142.09938   
2 spectra     
 C8H14O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  142.09938   
1 spectrum  
 C36H66S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  530.48853   
1 spectrum  
 C20H26SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  326.15244   
1 spectrum  
 C20H28SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  328.16809   
1 spectrum  
 C18H24SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  300.13681   
1 spectrum  
 C18H26SSi2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  330.12936   
3 spectra     
 C47H72O16  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  892.48199   
3 spectra     
 C43H64O14  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  804.42963   
3 spectra     
 C29H36O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  480.25119   
1 spectrum  
 C17H22SSi  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  286.12115   
3 spectra     
 C14H18O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit (http://github.com/cdk) \n  282.11035   
1 spectrum  
 C20H30O2   302.22458   
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Responsible: Hannes Bohring